If you get a cut, one of the best medicines to reduce bleeding is, believe it or not: cayenne pepper! Cayenne pepper can be applied to open wounds or even taken orally, to stop the bleeding.

First Aid From The Kitchen: Stop The Bleeding For Only 10 Seconds!
Bleeding from the nose, deep cuts, even arterial showering will stop within a few seconds. Cayenne pepper makes it possible to cut close quickly so that you will keep the blood in your body, where it belongs.
How to stop the blood of cayenne pepper in just 10 seconds
Just sprinkle the powder organic cayenne pepper on a cut or scratch, and it will stop bleeding. Contrary to what you might think, it does not burn.
A layer of cayenne pepper wrapped around the wound will provide a safe and healing effect and often will leave no scar!
You can also stop bleeding wounds on the inside by drinking hot water mixed with a teaspoon of cayenne.
Here’s a quote from the book “School of Natural Healing” late herbalist Dr. John Christopher:
“… Put a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of boiling water, drink it, and the count of ten, the bleeding will stop. Instead of all that pressure centralize, he equalized and coagulation becomes faster. Whether it is internal or external bleeding, oral consumption of a teaspoon of cayenne in a glass of hot water will quickly stop. “
Other health benefits of cayenne pepper
Cayenne is rich in capsaicin. Pepper also contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, potassium, manganese, and a flavonoid (which makes the antioxidant capabilities hotter )
Pain and inflammation
Cayenne is great for alleviating pain in inflammation. It works on the principle of exhaustion of the neurotransmitter called substance P, which disintegrates nerve that signals pain. It is good for sore muscles, back pain, stiff neck and other pain.
Useful for blood clots
Cayenne pepper also helps reduce atherosclerosis, stimulates fibrinolytic activity and preventing the factors that led to the formation of thrombus, all of which can help reduce the chances of heart attack or stroke.
It helps in the treatment of ulcers
Cayenne pepper also helps in the treatment of ulcers peristaltic movement of the intestine. Hot pepper is also excellent for stomach and intestinal tract. It stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps assimilation and elimination.
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