Smoking is a terrible habit that harms nearly every organ in your body and statistics says that is responsible for one in five deaths in the globe. Quitting smoking most of the time is the very difficult procedure for smokers, even though they are aware of the negative effects that smoking has on their health. For those who succeed to quit it, they actually reduce the risk of developing smoking-related diseases and risk of early death.
The lungs are the organ that is totally affected by smoking, so over the time smokers will experience a terrible cough, or in some worse cases, even develop bronchitis. The lungs are full of toxins and a lot of tar.
This condition is an excellent base to cause chest pain and blockages in the lungs, however, the people who smoke regularly are prone to developing carcinogenic cells in the mouth, lungs, and throat.
If you are a passionate smoker, and you have difficulty to quit it, at least you could do cleaning your lungs, which will eliminate the bad coughing and have better breath.
What should be done?
1)         To be able to protect your health from different complications, you should eliminate the tar and toxins from your body.
2)         When you succeed to remove tar and toxins, you are improving your breathing and the risk of lung infections and cancer decreases.
3)         Your respiratory system will be completely clean.
How to prepare this remedy that significantly improves the health of your lungs?
You need the following ingredients, which are known for their various health benefits:
Ginger – known for its amazing medicinal properties in eliminating the toxins from your respiratory tract and the mucus from your lungs and.
Onion – It has been used to treat respiratory problems for centuries, and it is truly one of the best natural remedies for this purpose that can be beneficial even for fighting cancer.
Turmeric – is an ingredient with an amazing nutritional value as it is rich in minerals, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Because of that nutritional profile, it possesses potent anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Here is a Recipe For Lung-Cleaning

Needed Ingredients:
–           32 oz. of water
–           5 – 6 peeled and quarters onions
–           400 g honey
–           Small peeled ginger root
–           2 teaspoons of turmeric
1)         Add the honey in the water and boil it.
2)         To the boiling mixture add the grated ginger and the sliced onion
3)         Then add the turmeric and cook on low heat until it is half reduced.
4)         After cooling, put the mixture in a jar and place it in the fridge.
How to Use:
–           Take this remedy two times a day, 2 tablespoons before your breakfast and 2 tablespoons 2 hours before your dinner.
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