When trying to lose weight it can be disheartening to give into cravings at night, but drinking these teas will not only help you feel replenished due to the high amount of beneficial nutrients and minerals, they will help the body continue to burn fat even when you are 
8 Bedtime Drinks To Detox Your Liver As Well As Burn Fat While You Sleep!

Rose Tea: Rose tea is great for improving sleep quality, it relaxes and detoxifies due to the presence of tannins.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is able to soothe and relax the nervous system, it has anti-inflammatory qualities when aid sleep and help digestion.
Schizandra (cherry) Tea: Cherry tea has many detoxifying qualities and helps the liver work to the best of its ability to rid the body of toxins.
Mint Green Tea: This is a great metabolism booster, and when taken just before bed will ensure your gut is working round the clock to the best of its efficiency.
Lemon Water: Another great detoxifying drink, this also helps you stay hydrated more effectively than plain water, and a properly hydrated body is the best state for burning calories.
Jujube tea: Hailing from China, this tea is drunk to help burn fat and help the liver detoxify.
Oat Tea: Oat tea is full of nutrients which help the body feel nourished and replenished if you have been cutting down on calories and you need an extra boost.
Lotus (NÉLOMBO) Seeds: Lotus tea is famous in China for helping reduce stress and anxiety, this is the perfect tea to drink before bed to help you fall into a peaceful slumber.
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