Advantages of eating Banana flower
  • Regulates menstrual cycle
  • It is the best food for lactating mothers and diabetes patients
  • Cures Anemia
  • Provides effective function of kidneys
  • Relieves you from constipation
  • Cures Ulcer
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Strengthens uterus
Step 1: Take a pan and add in 2 table spoon of oilimages
Step 2: Add in mustard seeds and wait until it sputters
Step 3: Now add in Chopped onion & green chilies, sauté them well
Step 4: Next include the chopped banana flower (drain well) in the pan
Step 5: Add salt, turmeric, Hing, curry leaves and Daniya/corriander powder (To taste)
Step 6: Splash a little water into the pan and cover it with a lid, wait until it is cooked
Step 7: After the dish is almost ready, put in the grated coconut and stir well
Step 8: The dish is now ready to devour!
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