Applying a nail polish for most of the people is believed to be harmless, however according to the findings of a recent study many of the most popular nail polish brands in America are more harmful than they would appear to you.
Results of the Research
In this research 24 women were involved in the performed tests for signs of chemical toxins. It was revealed that there is evidence of toxins in the bodies of each of the ladies. The question pops up:
  • What was the source of these chemicals? 
  • Nail polish.
The results were astounding, 100% of the participants involved showed signs of triphenyl phosphate only 10 hours after using the nail polish. These results are really alarming and worrisome.
Another study followed where the same researchers tested 10 different nail polishes for triphenyl phosphate, and found the chemical in 8 of them. What is even more alarming is the fact in two of the nail polishers which showed the existence of triphenyl phosphate did not put it in the ingredient list. So, this would mean that up to 20% of nail polishes sold in the entire country do not have this harmful chemical on their ingredient list.
Triphenyl Phosphate
The major concern about the influence of triphenyl phosphate (or TPHP) lies in the fact that it has been proven to cause disturbances in the body’s endocrine system, which is responsible for all our hormones. The head researcher of these studies, Dr. Heather Stapleton, revealed her concerns, stating:“There is growing evidence suggesting that TPHP may affect hormone regulation, metabolism, reproduction and development”.
Unfortunately, the most negative impact of this chemical will affect young girls who use nail polish on regular basis because proper hormonal development is an essence of their growth. Nonetheless, anyone who is exposed to TPHP can cause serious health concerns. Furthermore, it is proven to be:
  • Endocrine Toxin
  • Neurotoxin (developmental effects)
  • Reproductive Toxin
  • Skin irritant and allergen
Other Harmful Chemicals
It is a well known carcinogen that can dissolve in water and in air and this is what we inhale form nail polisher as anyone is familiar with their strong smell.  Exposure to this chemical can incite the following symptoms: troubles breathing, scratchy throat and asthma. Persons suffering from chronic diseases are particularly prone to poisoning from formaldehyde.
The worrisome fact about this chemical is that some scientists have found presence of it in breast milk of some mothers. This chemical is confirmed to inhibit the development in children and it can irritate the skin upon exposure.
Dibutyl Phthalate
This chemical is common substitute to TPHP in nail polishers, but it is not good for the health as well. As a matter of fact, poses similar health risks like hormonal disruption and reproductive system toxins.
Natural Nail Polish Alternatives
Fortunately for the female gender there are companies that are trying to incorporate natural ingredients in their products thus making them safe for use. These natural alternatives do not pose threat to the occurrence of allergies, hormone disruption and cancer.
Here below are some natural nail polishes that offer a great selection in reachable prices:
  1. Acquarella offers a great selection of over 50+ nail polish colors. All of them are water-based without the traces of formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, mercury, toluene, or wheat products.
  2. Honeybee Gardens natural nail polish has a wide range of colors. They are water-based meaning that they can be easily removed without any extra effort which is not the case with the standard ones where you need to rub them off with alcohol. Moreover, this natural nail polish does not contain any traces of harmful chemicals or carcinogens.
  3. Peacekeeper Cause-Metics offer few bright nail polishes that are filled with argan oil free of toxins. Thanks to the content of argan oil your nails will be moisturized.
  4. SpaRitualis a natural vegan nail polish free of toxins.
We all want nicely manicured and pedicured nails, but they shouldn’t pose threat to your health and to the growing children. It doesn’t mean that we should leave our nails unattained, but we have to be health-conscious and choose natural nail without toxins meanwhile not putting extra pressure to our budget or to the sense of style.
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  1. What fear-based propaganda! Please attach a link to the "recent study" you base your untrustworthy artical on. This seems to be another shabby piece of writing put out there just to get ad sponsorship money.

    1. Simply using your brain and some chemistry knowledge should tell you that nail polish is not good for us. Same as our skin, nails absorb the chemicals which go directly to your bloodstream. So yeah, keep shouting and using it - your choice... When people get sick with cancer, kidney failure etcetera they keep shouting and blaming once again. Why not to be smart in a first place? You are responsible for your own health...

    2. Simply using your brain and some chemistry knowledge should tell you that nail polish is not good for us. Same as our skin, nails absorb the chemicals which go directly to your bloodstream. So yeah, keep shouting and using it - your choice... When people get sick with cancer, kidney failure etcetera they keep shouting and blaming once again. Why not to be smart in a first place? You are responsible for your own health...
