This homemade mask has plenty of benefits and will help to wipe some years off your skin. You’ll get a revitalizing facial treatment by diminishing wrinkles and getting rid of those annoying pimples.
How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles And Acne With Aspirin And Honey
This mask is recommended for all skin types because it adjusts the pH level of the skin and it balances the production of sebum.
If you have not tried this product yet, well, it’s about time to introduce it in your beauty routine if you face with the above problems.
This facial mask is very easy to prepare. You just need to be careful about the type of honey you use: it must be organic.
-4 aspirin tablets
-2 tablespoons of organic honey
-1 tablespoon of water
Crush the aspirin then add the water to obtain a thick paste. Then add the honey and mix. You have to obtain a smooth paste. And, voila, the best natural moisturizer is ready.
How to use: 
Before applying the mask, you have to wash your face with warm water and baby soap. Remove any trace of makeup using a cleansing milk or oil. Then apply the mask over your face avoiding the eye and mouth area. It’s advisable to apply the mask on your neck, too. Massage your face with this mask for 3 minutes for a deep penetration then let it to act for 10 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water, and then you can apply a moisturizer, preferably homemade.
At the beginning, you should use this facial treatment 2-3 times a week, and then you can use it only once a week.
From the first application you’ll feel your skin cleaner, smoother and revitalized, but after several uses, you’ll notice other beneficial effects, including diminishing the pores and reducing brown spots, inflammation and swelling.
Before applying the mask you should test it first on a small area of your skin, to prevent allergic reactions. Usually, aspirin and honey don’t cause side effects, but it’s better to prevent.
Include this mask in your beauty routine. Remember that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on cosmetic products to enjoy a flawless complexion.
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